Photography and Video at Matches, Competitions, Festivals or Similar Under the Control of Durham CSFA

If you are concerned about the inappropriate use of images, please report this to the DCSFA Welfare Officer who is Alan Johnston. (

The following is viewed as being “best practice” by DCSFA and is for guidance.

It should be considered together with guidance given by the FA and the ESFA on their respective websites or can be viewed below.

DCSFA would recommend that if photography / videoing is planned at games, competitions, festivals or similar, that the venue owner's Policy on photography / videoing (venue owner - e.g., school, club ground, local authority sports centre etc.) is checked by staff involved, understood and permission sought.

Once agreement has been given by the venue owner, staff from both teams (or in the case of a competition or Festival or similar - all staff in charge of teams) should agree as to how and why photography / videoing will take place and for what purpose, before beginning to photograph / video.

If an agreement cannot be reached, then it is recommended that photography / videoing does not take place.


FA Guidelines for Photography and Video

ESFA Guidelines Photography and Video


June 2018